I opened the door


And there was a window

Open Door

I don't regret spending ten years on music and audio. The only thing I regret is not having a side project. There is a unique-to-our-lives window that is open right now. Thanks to AI tools, people like me (and you?) can skip most of the busy work involved in the process of learning new things.

Before I went to school for music and audio, I had been teaching myself from the ground up. The time it takes to make one song is the time it takes to:

  • Learn basic music theory
  • Learn basic piano
  • Learn to sing
  • Learn to write
  • Learn to use Logic Pro
  • Learn to mix
  • Learn to master
  • Etc.

I learned this all by making albums. It took years. I loved it.

This is still a valuable way to approach everything and anything. Take it all in. Have the audacity to learn something. Commit fully.

And add ChatGPT. I can't even begin to express the time I would have saved being able to ask specific, nuanced questions and get straight answers. Maybe my growth would have been much faster.

I've learned more about the nature of JavaScript programming through my use of chatbots than I did through a lot of learn-coding programs (paid and free). I'm still a beginner in the truest sense, but not being capped by my current knowledge is changing everything.

I no longer worry about the logistics of learning all of the parts involved with even being able to decide if a project is feasible. For the longest time, I wanted to practice, but I just truly didn't know what that meant. Now I can just solve my own problems. Or make a cool thing. Or something that excites people. Or something just for fun. Just like making music.

Having context creates the storage space in my mind that can be genuinely connected to a larger knowledge network of JavaScript.

Otherwise, it is all just nonsense and memorization.

I think we all have more responsibility coming within our lifetimes, not less. Sitting back will be for our kids, or theirs.

Why? Because look at how much more powerful we're becoming.